How do you get Germany in motion?

Community Brands

Menschen in Bewegung bringen

The brochure published by the BZgA is aimed primarily at educators. Based on scientific findings, it contains recommendations on how to get the five groups of children/adolescents, adults, older adults, adults with chronic diseases, and the general population moving, while shedding light on cost-effectiveness. The interplay of buoyant typography, lively colors, playful design language and groundbreaking imagery underscores the issue without pointing fingers.


A dynamically ascending path represents the goal of the brochure: Getting people moving throughout life.


The design language of the word mark is reflected in the wayfinding imagery.

Lebenslang Bewegen Bildstil


With a creative ease and agility, the brochure provides a foundation to get people moving.


    Ansprechpartner Helder Design

    Dr. Birgit Joest

    030 403 664 76