What is brand imagery?
Photographs or illustrations are ideally suited to transmit emotional messages: Most people are visual beings – images are processed cognitively faster and remembered better than writing, which the brain first has to decipher. When conveying corporate or brand values, the visual language is therefore of major importance. A consistent picture style contributes significantly to the perception of the brand; this includes aspects such as the Kadrage, perspective, color climate, styles such as Depth of field, back light, etc.

Depending on the design, the image style can convey a wide range of feelings and impressions with which the brand wants to be associated: is it approachable, friendly, low-threshold, for example? Or edgy, trendy, provocative? Reliable, precise, innovative? Exclusive, high quality, sophisticated? In combination with brand design and tonality, the image style conveys the character and positioning of the brand in the literal sense at first glance.

Unsere Design-Expertise
Bilder müssen der Marke gerecht werden
Neben der Bildsprache wollen natürlich auch Bildinhalte sorgfältig definiert und auf die gewünschte Aussage überprüft sein. Optimalerweise konzipiert man im Rahmen des Brandingprozesses Motive und Look, um in einem Shooting das Bildmaterial zu produzieren. So kann man alle Aspekte steuern und exklusiv für die eigene Marke kreieren, angefangen von der Wahl des Fotografen bzw. der Fotografin, dessen oder deren Handschrift zum visuellen Konzept passt.

IMAGERY STARKER CONSULTING: Changes your perspective, overview, gain knowledge
If you resort to material from image databases, it makes sense to refrain from stereotypical, overused or overly obvious motifs when selecting them: Symbolic images of handshakes or puzzle pieces fitting together say nothing specific about your brand’s performance and added value, and a key goal of branding is differentiation. An adequate visual language in the context of the corresponding brand design, on the other hand, has the power to make a brand distinguishable from the competition and to charge even rather unemotional products or content and make them accessible.
Brand Imagery FAQ
What is meant by brand imagery?
Brand imagery is a form of communication. It defines the character of an image or series of images in the context of a uniform brand image. The visual language of a brand is defined in the course of the branding process.
Why is brand imagery important?
A defined brand imagery is important for the selection or production of images. Depending on the type, different impressions and emotions and thus messages are conveyed. A consistent visual language offers identification potential and creates recognition value.
How do you develop brand imagery?
In developing brand imagery, one defines the content of the images, such as people, nature, buildings or shapes, but also perspective, color climate, light, sharpness and composition are taken into account. A mood board is a helpful tool in the development process.
What should be considered for the image style?
For the image style in the course of brand development, it is important to convey the brand core and the brand identity with the images. The brand strategy therefore provides the basis in the development of an image style.
What image styles exist?
Well-known image styles are portraits, landscape shots, still life, detail shots, natural or very saturated images. There are very many different styles, which are also developed individually by photographers.
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