Define which needs the brand satisfies: With our Buyer Persona Template

Getting to know the target group: so you know who you’re talking to.

People’s values, needs, lifestyles and desires are factors that influence a purchase decision. In order to better understand why customers do or do not choose a brand, it is helpful to gain insight into their motivations, goals, frustrations and personalities as examples. In order to have a clear picture of who you are addressing with the brand presence, buyer personae are created.

Aspects of a Buyer Persona

A buyer persona makes a typical customer with concrete characteristics and needs within the target group vivid. A buyer persona can be derived from conversation insights with target group relevant persons or alternatively from experiences with existing customers. In contrast, “invented” buyer personas often correspond more to your own wishful thinking than to reality. Note: The buyer persona should provide insight into problems or wishes that are as concrete as possible and to which a brand can react.

Sound communicative measures

Buyer personae make it easier to put oneself in the position of the target group by way of example. Based on this, the brand can respond with solutions and derive appropriate communicative measures.

More Brand Strategy Templates

  • Mission Statement

    The mission statement states the value proposition.

  • Positioning Cross

    Define for whom and for which needs the brand offers solutions

  • Vision Statement

    Define a specific goal that the brand wants to achieve within a defined period of time.

  • Brand Purpose Board

    Align the social added value, the needs of the target group and your own goals.

  • Buyer Personae

    Define for whom and for which needs the brand offers solutions

  • Golden Circle

    Get clear about the why, how and what of your brand and build the strategic basis with it

  • Identity Prisma

    Define the brand identity on 3 different levels with the identity prism template.

  • Brand Wheel

    The brand steering wheel according to Esch is suitable for a systemic analysis of the brand.

  • Brand Values Card Deck

    Develop brand values with examples and exercises and define what the brand stands for

  • Brand Key

    The Unilever Brand Key is a brand strategy model, focuses on competitors and target groups.

  • Brand Wheel

    The Unilever Brand Key is a brand strategy model, focuses on competitors and target groups.

  • Personality Sliders

    Define the brand personality: with the Brand Personality Sliders template.

    Marina Mengis

    Project Management

    030 403 664 76